
  • The geometry of the openings have a great influence on the hairiness of the yarn

    The geometry of the openings have a great influence on the hairiness of the yarn

    Cleaning process The focus is to reduce fiber damage. The chemical fiber is al free of impurities, reducing the speed of the beaters and enlarging the distance between the gripping points, which can improve both hairiness and neps. The air flow is smooth, no choking, no traffic jams. The airflow is...

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    2020-10-10 Industry News
  • Main methods and measures to control hairiness

    Main methods and measures to control hairiness

    The hairiness parameter is generally expressed by the hairiness index. The more intuitive is the number of hairiness roots, and the control of hairiness is mainly to control the harmful hairiness, that is, the hairiness of 3 mm and above. Use of raw materials (1) The greater the torsion and bending ...

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    2020-09-30 Industry News
  • The shape and related characteristics of ring spinning hairiness

    The shape and related characteristics of ring spinning hairiness

    With the continuous improvement of customer requirements, the requirements for yarn hairiness have become more and more obvious. Whether it is knitting or weaving, the requirements of customers for hairiness continue to increase. Zhou Wengang worked hard to systematically and comprehensively explain...

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    2020-09-23 Industry News
  • Roving quality has a direct impact on spinning quality

    Roving quality has a direct impact on spinning quality

    Roving quality has a direct effect on spinning quality. The roving drafting process should be reasonably configured through process selection to reduce the roving evenness CV and quality unevenness as much as possible, and create good conditions for the spun yarn to improve the evenness and increase...

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    2020-09-18 Industry News
  • The drawing process has a greater impact on the quality of the spun yarn

    The drawing process has a greater impact on the quality of the spun yarn

    In the spinning process, when the spinning tension is greater than the strength of the cotton yarn, it will break, which is the essence of spun yarn breakage. Therefore, increasing the value of cotton yarn strength and reducing the single-strength CV value is a systematic project. Drawing process ...

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    2020-09-12 Industry News
  • Several measures to improve the retention rate of spun yarn

    Several measures to improve the retention rate of spun yarn

    The following measures are mainly taken to improve the doffing retention rate: Choose a suitable traveler and adjust the distance of the traveler cleaner to prevent or reduce the traveler hanging flowers. Adjust the number of loops of the waste wire reel to prevent the normal movement of the travele...

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    2020-09-03 Industry News